As part of inspirational story series about our Youth Goodwill Ambassadors, our next story covers Valentinas, an entrepreneur and student from Lithuania who formed Desk Research Group- modern business consultancy firm in Denmark.

We have discovered Valentinas personal story at our previous interview with him. It has been quite some time since we spoke. Now, he is working as a Business Analyst at the Solar Group. Since he is one of the YGA success stories, we asked him to share his advice for other international young professionals and students who have chosen Denmark as their career destination.

Here are his 5 essential recommendations:

1) Do your best to find a part-time job that corresponds your studies. The likelihood is very high to get an offer for a full-time position. Also, remember that it's not all about the quantity of sent applications, but rather the quality and right position applied.

2) Networking. Be social, go and meet companies in various events.

3) LinkedIn is a powerful tool in Denmark. Reach out to companies' representatives - show off. It's a good idea to contact them and ask specific questions about one of the job openings.

4) Learn Danish. It's not only a signal to a labour market that you are eager to stay in Denmark, but also a wonderful way to faster integrate into society. It also helps to make friends (from my personal experience).

5) Be proactive in volunteering. Always show an extra mile and be involved in various voluntary organizations like Youth Goodwill Ambassadors/Young Professionals in Denmark, Desk Research Group, 180 Degrees Consulting etc.)